Prof. Piero Dominici (PhD), sociologist and philosopher, Associate Professor, World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) Fellow, Official Delegate to UNESCO, UNESCO IPL Expert, UN Invited Expert and speaker, is Scientific Director of the International Research and Education Programme “CHAOS” and Director of Scientific Listening at the Global Listening Center. Vice President of the World Complexity Science Academy, he teaches Public Communication, Sociology of Social Complexity, Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes and Intelligence. Complex Systems and Networks at the University of Perugia.Educare e formare le persone a pensare con la loro testa e a veder gli oggetti come sistemi (cit.) - Creare una "cultura dell'errore"... Innovare significa destabilizzare (cit.) - (Iper)Complessità e Visione Sistemica - L'inclusione non può essere per pochi Democrazia è complessità (1995 e sgg.) Figure Ibride - False Dicotomie - Hybrid Figures - False Dichotomies "Ricomporre la frattura tra l'Umano e il tecnologico" - "Tecnologia è cultura" (Dominici, 1995 e sgg.) Abitare la (iper)complessità (1995 e sgg. Inhabiting Hypercomplexity
As scientific researcher, educator, author and international speaker, his main areas of expertise and interest encompass (hyper)complexity, interdisciplinarity and knowledge sharing in the fields of education, systems theory, technology, innovation, intelligence, security, citizenship and communication. Member of the MIUR Register of Revisers (Italian Ministry of Higher Education and Research), he is also standing member of several of the most prestigious national and international scientific committees.
He is currently participating in several international projects: the United Nations/WAAS Project “Global Leadership in the 21st Century” and the Project COSY Thinking, an EU-funded Project (2020-2023).
Author of numerous essays, scientific articles and books. Among the scientific accolades received by Professor Dominici, it should be remembered that his treatise "Inside the Interconnected Society. Ethical prospects for a new ecosystem of communication” (published in 2014 by FrancoAngeli, Milan and released in a new 2019 edition entitled "Inside the Interconnected Society. A culture of complexity for inhabiting the boundaries and tensions of the hyper-technological civilization" with the addition of new chapters and updates), received the prestigious International scientific “Elisa Frauenfelder” Award in the “Culture and Innovation" section in. He has taught and carried out research at a number of national and international universities, and he is Visiting Professor at Complutense Universidad of Madrid.
Aside from his academic activities and participation in international conference and lecture circuits (such as UN Office at Geneva, WCSA, Altius Conference, Oxford University, Oxford 2017, 2018, 2019, Bateson Circle, Rome 2018; IEEE Conference, Illinois Institute of Technology, World Academy of Art and Science and UN international congress and projects), he has published several books and many peer reviewed scientific articles.
Piero Dominici received his international PhD in "Social Theory and Research" (2003) from Sapienza University of Rome (with Franco Ferrarotti and Edgar Morin), later winning a Post-Doc Fellowship from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, (Doctorate Program of Complex Industrial Systems) at Roma Tre University of Rome. He is standing member of the International Political Science Association (IPSA), the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH), the European Complex Systems Society and the New England Complex Systems Institute, and he is Scientific Committee Member of the International Scientific Board of Communication and Media Research Center and the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Political Science & Diplomacy, as well as member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Association of Public and Institutional Communication, among others.
He is also member of the International Higher Education and Teaching Learning Association (HETL) and the Technology, Knowledge, and Society Research Network, international networks of scholars and researchers. He has taught and carried out research at a number of national and international universities and has been working in the field of complexity and systems theory for over twenty years, He currently performs activities of research, education and consulting for public and private organizations, and has coordinated projects of national and international renown. In his university courses in Sociology and Philosophy, Piero Dominici has continued to teach approaches to complexity and systems theory - with particular reference to the issues of education, organization and democracy - and to organize academic seminars and systems thinking workshops.
Some links to recent scientific articles (a very short selection):
Research Article
1) “The Digital Mockingbird: Anthropological Transformation and the “New Nature”, in World Futures.The Journal of New Paradigm, Routhledge, Taylor & Francis, Feb. 2022.
#PeerReviewed Routhledge #research #transdisciplinarity #education #AI #FutureofEducation #ComplexSystems #EducationForAll #PeerReviewed
Link to Pdf:
2)La Gran Equivocación: Replantear la educación y la formación virtual para la “sociedad hipercompleja”, in “Comunicación y Hombre”.Número 18. Año 2022
2)”Beyond the Darkness of our Age. For a Non-Mechanistic View of Complex Organization as Living Organisms” in RTSA #PeerReviewed
2) “From Below: Roots and Grassroots of Societal Transformation, The Social Construction of Change”, in CADMUS, 2021 #PeerReviewed
“That systemic change must begin from grassroots communities and single individuals and groups, and by definition can never be a top-down imposition, implicates a necessary rethinking of our educational institutions, which are still based on logics of separation and on “false dichotomies" (quote)
3) “Educating for the Future in the Age of Obsolescence”,
This article was peer-reviewed and selected as one of the “outstanding papers” presented at the 2019 IEEE 18th International Congress.
4) “For an Inclusive Innovation. Healing the fracture between the Human and the technological*” #PeerReviewed
“Objects as Systems. The strategic role of Education”
? in European Journal of Future Research, SPRINGER Edu …__________
5) “A New Paradigm in Global Higher Education for Sustainable Development and Human Security”, November, 2021 | BY G.JACOBS, J. RAMANATHAN, R. WOLFF, R.PRICOPIE, P.DOMINICI, A.ZUCCONI, in CADMUS, Vol.IV, 2021.
6) “Controversies on hypercomplexity and on education in the hypertechnological era”
Link to PDF
7) “Communication and the SOCIAL PRODUCTION of Knowledge. A 'new social contract' for the 'society of individuals'
#Research #PeerReviewed
8) “Education, FakeNews and the Complexity of Democracy”.
“The real problems we are facing today are not the fake news, post-truths, deep fakes, or disinformation of various kinds and origins, but a socially constructed pre-disposition to conformism; in short, the decline of democracy. These are not problems merely of technology and cannot be solved by technology alone” (quote).
è #PeerReviewed
An approach and research since 1995
#research #networking #education #RethinkingEducation #complexity #CriticalThinking #cultures #DigitalTransformation #HumanEcosystems #Technology #ParadigmShift #Hypercomplexity #FutureOfEducation #EducationForAll #WAAS2022 #UNESCO #WHEC2022 #InternationalDayOfEducation #TransformingEducation #NewSocialContract
An approach and research since 1995