I know, I am repetitive… but I could not be/act otherwise… as always, with the thought and emotion of so many People in the world, but also next to us, who are suffering and experiencing terrible situations… to the many who are no longer with us or who are next to us in a different way…
And, as always, I re-share a few passages written while I was… ‘inside’.
Two years have passed …
It has been days, weeks, without breath, in the fullest, deepest and most exact sense of the word. Without being able to see loved ones …
Two years have passed, but the thought – and the breath – often goes to those weeks suspended in an attempt to … be able to breathe again … and it goes to everything that happened ‘after’ … to return to normality (?).
… and it goes, it cannot but go, to the many who have not ‘been able to tell’, to the many who are still not well; and it is addressed, it cannot but be addressed to the generous People (always), to those who help without hesitation and without ever sparing themselves, often far from the spotlight.
And the thought also, and above all, goes to those who have not made it or are still struggling.
24 December 2020… “inside”… inside…
? I never put anything of my private life in public, let alone on social (choice).
This, the only exception. So many reasons.
This time, however, I decided to write, publicly telling something ‘private’… something I have never put in public, let alone online. And I will maintain this line in the future.
But, I believe, it is time for all of us to make a small signal/contribution to let people know that it is no longer a time for ‘irresponsibility’…and, to tell the truth, it should not have been in the past either, but Society (Us, our relationships, our experiences, processes, dynamics, social mechanisms, ties, connections, systemic networks, cultures etc etc….) is not doing too well, let’s put it this way… for too long we have underestimated and not taken care of the factors that make it possible… we have not ‘taken care’ of them – and we continue not to do so.
“And yet … inhabiting life, illness, suffering, complexity … ‘breathing’ all this in the very moments when you can’t ….breathe...
Who would have thought to find yourself in the places of care, in the hospital, even and especially in the days of the Christmas holidays … risking your breath … the breath of life …
And yet… precisely these days, in these places, in the midst of so many people who suffer and struggle to make it through, to continue to be able to tell their stories, to see the light again, to see and hear breath again (their own and that of Others), loved ones, friends….in the midst of so many people who struggle to help and succour….also in the midst of moments of passage/crossing….have infinite value for me (and not only for me).
Places of great paradoxes, of irreconcilable aporias, of ‘existential oxymora’, of open, irremediable dialectics… of unspeakable suffering and sudden rebirth.
Places where all the ‘existential extremes‘ touch, embrace, merge.
I know these places and these experiences very well…. having passed through and ‘inhabited’ them many times….
Used to struggle, I have had many mishaps in life and a few rebirths.
Besides the suffering, the memory of this suffering, these endless moments have always left me with new visions and perspectives.
This experience is/was even more ‘borderline’, deep inside. For all those who have lived it or are still living it. Even in being next to Others. The breath, the breath of life, the breath of complexity*.
How much suffering in these places, how much indifference, how much inhumanity… (how much scientific disorganisation) but, at the same time, always in these places, precisely in the moments in which, even humanly, ‘funds’ are touched that never seem to arrive, Humanity returns… in gestures, in glances, in despair, in experiences... in eyes… in breaths, in gestures of closeness and fraternity, despite not knowing each other…
…that marvellous and unexplored depth and complexity of life, which not even the fear of the virus – that of selfishness, indifference and irresponsibility …that of self-interest – has managed to transform.
Precisely in these days, it has a profound meaning and value … to be here.
☀️To live, to breathe suffering.…No one would or would ever wish this on anyone, even more so if the struggle is to survive.
☀️And yet…inhabiting life, illness, suffering, complexity…’breathing’ it all in the very moments when you can’t ….breathe…
…suddenly, a ‘different breath’ comes to your rescue, one that is missing but which, at the same time, opens up your gaze even further….the gaze on our existences…
The look … on our weaknesses, on our vulnerabilities, on our incompleteness … on our always being one ‘us’, many ‘us’ … on our (inter)dependence, always and in any case, on the Others … even when we sink into selfishness and indifference, in the obsessive search for usefulness and/or in the cold calculation and measurement of Life, reduced, increasingly reduced, simplified, devalued, not ‘calculated’, if not mathematically and economically.
How much I thought, how much I thought… before publishing this brief reflection….so much, so much….a time experienced as extended, dilated, infinite. That time never ended and never can end….
And so, this time I decided to write, publicly recounting something ‘private’…something I have never put in public, much less online. And I will continue to maintain this line in the future.
But, I repeat, it is time for all of us to make a small signal/contribution to let people know that it is no longer a time for ‘irresponsibility’…and, to tell the truth, it should not have been in the past either, but Society (Us, our relationships, our experiences, processes, dynamics, social mechanisms, ties, connections, systemic networks, cultures etc etc….) is not doing too well, let’s put it this way… for too long, we have underestimated and not taken care of the factors that make it possible… we have not ‘taken care’ of them – and we continue not to do so. Deluded that we have ‘everything under control’.
Now, now, now…is the moment to seize ….everyone must play their part, beyond everything and every discourse, every affiliation….
Also to think, concretely, about that famous ‘long term‘ and that ‘systemic change‘ that everyone invokes, for now only as slogans and/or in sophisticated political and social marketing campaigns.
Continuing, moreover, to reproduce what I have called ‘the error of errors’ – “the most serious mistake” – (Dominici, 1995-96 and further works). Continuing to confuse ‘mechanisms’ and ‘organisms’…(ibid.)
Continuing to be unable to inhabit the border zones, deviance and what we recognise as ‘abnormal’…
Always unaware of how not everything is ‘observable’ (and measurable), least of all suffering and emotions.
Continuing to fail to understand the limits and, at the same time, the ambivalence and complexity of the Human and the Social, of the suffering, incompleteness, and fragilities that are their constituent elements.
How far we still are, not only from ‘understanding‘, from ‘caring‘ and, even more, from ‘taking care‘. We always speak of complexity without having (precisely) understood the intimately systemic and relational dimension of Life and of all the variables that characterise it.
By continuing to ‘isolate’ and separate, to attempt to eliminate every error and unpredictability, every fragility and/or conflict, at all levels, also and above all in knowledge and research, as well as in organisations and in Life, we risk also losing our humanity.
Warm wishes to all, with thoughts, as always, for those who are suffering, those who will not be able to celebrate for so many reasons, those who are struggling, those who are in the front line….in the attempt to recover the breath of life (complexity).
Piero Dominici
Below, is the link to the text
? https://pierodominici.nova100.ilsole24ore.com/2020/12/24/cercando-respiro-il-respiro-della-complessita/
An approach and research since 1995
My email: piero.dominici@unipg.it – dominici@worldacademy.org
Life, study and scientific research cannot be kept separate (an old illusion). And so, as always…
I share with pleasure a (very) short selection of scientific publications:
1.Dominici, P. “The weak link of democracy and the challenges of educating toward global citizenship”. Prospects (2022). UNESCO
Here’s the link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11125-022-09607-8#citeas
Springer Nature – #PeerReviewed
? https://doi.org/10.1007/s11125-022-09607-8
Research Article
2.”The Digital Mockingbird: Anthropological Transformation and the “New Nature”, in World Futures.The Journal of New Paradigm, Routhledge, Taylor & Francis, Feb. 2022.
Routhledge #research #transdisciplinarity #education #AI #FutureofEducation #ComplexSystems #EducationForAll #PeerReviewed
3.”La Gran Equivocación: Replantear la educación y la formación virtual para la “sociedad hipercompleja”, in “Comunicación y Hombre”.Número 18. Año 2022
? https://doi.org/10.32466/eufv-cyh.2022.18.701.23-38
? https://academia.edu/resource/work/71194859
4.”Beyond the Darkness of our Age. For a Non-Mechanistic View of Complex Organization as Living Organisms” in RTSA
? http://rtsa.eu/RTSA_2_2022_Dominici.pdf?fs=e&s=cl #PeerReviewed
An approach and research since 1995
5.”From Below: Roots and Grassroots of Societal Transformation, The Social Construction of Change”, in CADMUS, 2021 #PeerReviewed
“That systemic change must begin from grassroots communities and single individuals and groups, and by definition can never be a top-down imposition, implicates a necessary rethinking of our educational institutions, which are still based on logics of separation and on “false dichotomies” (quote)
6.”Educating for the Future in the Age of Obsolescence”,
This article was peer-reviewed and selected as one of the “outstanding papers” presented at the 2019 IEEE 18th International Congress.
? https://academia.edu/resource/work/44784439
7.”For an Inclusive Innovation. Healing the fracture between the Human and the technological*” #PeerReviewed
“Objects as Systems. The strategic role of Education”
? https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40309-017-0126-4/ in European Journal of Future Research, SPRINGER Education
8.”A New Paradigm in Global Higher Education for Sustainable Development and Human Security”, November, 2021 | BY G.JACOBS, J. RAMANATHAN, R. WOLFF, R.PRICOPIE, P.DOMINICI, A.ZUCCONI, in CADMUS, Vol.IV, 2021.
? https://www.cadmusjournal.org/article/volume-4/issue-5/new-paradigm-global-higher-education
9”Controversies on hypercomplexity and on education in the hypertechnological era”
Link to PDF https://www.academia.edu/44785185/Controversies_about_Hypercomplexity_and_Education_cvs_15_11dom
10.”Communication and the SOCIAL PRODUCTION of Knowledge. A ‘new social contract’ for the ‘society of individuals’
#Research #PeerReviewed
11. “Education, FakeNews and the Complexity of Democracy”.
“The real problems we are facing today are not the fake news, post-truths, deep fakes, or disinformation of various kinds and origins, but a socially constructed pre-disposition to conformism; in short, the decline of democracy. These are not problems merely of technology and cannot be solved by technology alone” (quote).
? https://www.francoangeli.it/Riviste/schedaRivista.aspx?IDArticolo=61331&Tipo=Articolo%20PDF&lingua=it&idRivista=177 #PeerReview
An approach and research since 1995
#research #networking #education #RethinkingEducation #complexity #CriticalThinking #cultures #DigitalTransformation #HumanEcosystems #Technology #ParadigmShift #Hypercomplexity #FutureOfEducation #EducationForAll #WAAS2023 #UNESCO #WHEC2022 #InternationalDayOfEducation #TransformingEducation #SystemicChange #RightToEducation #QualityEducation #EducationForHumanSecurity